Burger King at Florenc Bus Station

"It's good to be the king." King Louis XVI (Mel Brooks)
I've been to one of Prague's newest Burger Kings -- the one at Florenc Bus Station.I'll keep this one short -- I already reviewed Prague's very first BK at the Metropole Zličín mall nine months back.

I can report that it is pretty much the same as most other Burger Kings.The first time, I was there, the line was long and slow. The second time, I walked right up and ordered. I had Whopper menu meal for 109 CZK.

I just thought I'd share how it looked. It was nice to see the modern facilities they've built to improve the station. It was a total dump before. It's not finished yet, but it's a good start.

I've also tied the Burger King at the main train station. It is certainly the best looking and largest outlet so far.

As a child, I loved McDonald's over BK, but now, I can't stand Mickey D's. It gives me a stomach ache. As far as fast food goes, the flame-grilled burgers at Burger King are among my favorites.

Perhaps the novelty will wear off, but for now, I still say it is good to be at Burger King.

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