It has ceased to be. It has expired and gone to meet its maker. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. Its metabolic processes are now history. It has kicked the bucket, shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the bleedin' choir invisible.
The expat favorite on Újezd is now an ex-bagel shop.
Since 1996, it was the place to go for American-style breakfasts and, like, you know, American-style conversations over coffee.

I pass by at least once a week, and I often stopped in at the Újezd shop to pick up a brownie or have a slice of apple pie. And now (sniff), no more.
There are still other locations around the city: Lázenská 19 near the Charles Bridge in Mala Strana, Masná 2 in Old Town, Tylovo námestí near I.P. Pavlova, and the newest one at Šimáckova 21 in Holešovice.
I recently wrote a post not too long ago about the bagels and bagel sandwiches at the Bohemia Bagel Express location. It's close to where I live, and I'll still be going there.
Signs in the window at the Ujezd location direct people to the rather small Lázenská location, some 500 meters distant.
Since I rarely walk through that crowded tourist area, my feelings are similar to those of Mr. Praline (John Cleese) when offered a mute slug in exchange for his late Norwegian Blue: