Now, it is time for a brief look at Terminal 2.
The main and most visible choices are on the departure level, near the check-in desks. It is a glitzy little corner that tries to be all things to all people -- sandwiches, pizzas, pasta, fried everything, desserts. I've tried a few things here, like the pizzas and sandwiches.
Summary: It is overpriced crap. Highway robbery.
Why they would build a brand new airport terminal and make these unimaginative and poor offerings the main dining options is beyond me.
Come to think of it, it is not beyond me.
Personally, I think it is because the people who made the decisions were small-minded and greedy. Instead of multiple options from a variety of different companies, there are multiple options from what looks like one big kitchen in the back.
I much prefer my bad, overpriced food to be prepared by different companies with different kitchens, thank you very much. What we have here looks like a monopoly. It adds one extra layer of badness.

This faux Starbucks has a space downstairs by the doors from baggage claims and customs.

It came with chicken, beef, and refried beans in a tomato flour tortilla. There weren't too many other ingredients.
It was almost good. It could have been good except for one big defect: Way too much salt. Other than that, I'd definitely get it again. Otherwise, I might opt for a chicken salad sandwich if it is available.

Anyway, I just love the stuff. It has less sugar than a Coke, and a great tannic tang.
Speaking of airport beverages, I thought I would address the issue of the price of a beer at the airport. I've heard claims that the most expensive beer in Prague can be found here.
However, if you are smart, once you get through passport control, you can have a few Pilsner Urquells before your flight and not go broke. You just have to be a little flexible.

A half-liter beer there costs 135 CZK. At current rates, that is $6.35 or €4.70. Way steep.

There is a similar duty free shop in Terminal 1 with the same Pilsner Urquell cans for 40 CZK.
In the crazy world of airport beer prices, that's practically giving it away. So, if delays leave you stuck in the terminal, you'll be flying in no time.