"One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected."I first went to Sahara Café right after it opened. I thought it was a great looking place, in a nicely reconstructed old building, but the menu was pretty limited at the time.
-George W. Bush, Sept. 27, 2000
So, with expectations held high, we went for a try.
And I'll say it was good. And expensive. And it didn't meet my expectations. I expected the best and, for me, it didn't make the cut. So, as good as it was, I was a bit disappointed.
The Sahara steak was about the same price as La Casa Argentina. I've had my problems with that place, but the Argentine steak at La Casa was definitely better.
So, Sahara Café didn't make it into my rotation.
Until recently.
I returned with a friend and brought along slightly lower expectations. And guess what happened? I've been a couple of times now to the upstairs Sahara Café, and I liked just about everything.

My friend got "Arabic Salad" for 65 CZK. It was a very nice combination of finely chopped peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and various leaves mixed with olive oil and lemon juice.

I sampled the "Spanish Empanadas" for 50 CZK. They are folded puff pastries, filled with chickpeas, eggplant, and onion. It is served with a spicy and very tasty Moroccan tomato sauce.

I ordered the Oriental-style tuna tartar. I got the 75 gram starter portion for 220 CZK. You can also get 150 gram main course version for 390 CZK. And it also comes Siciliana-style, but I didn't ask what that was.

I got a taste of the lamb kebabs, which are 90 CZK. These are actually mini lamb-burgers, topped with a little chopped tomato.

Other highlights of the starter list are octopus salad (120 CZK), hand-cut Patanegra ham (240 CZK), grilled mushrooms (80 CZK), and foie gras (200 CZK).
One of the standout features of Sahara Café is the space itself. I'd say it is one of the most beautiful and best-designed restaurants in the city.

For a starter on my second recent visit, I ordered the goat cheese crostini for 80 CZK. It's a piece of toast with olive oil, topped with grilled tomato and baked with goat cheese. It is small, but the goat cheese is nicely warm and moist. The whole thing is on top of some ruccola leaves.I don't have a list of the main courses available and the Sahara Café menu is not available on line at this time, but I ordered the barbecued pork ribs for 380 CZK. They unlike almost any I've had before. I liked them.
You've heard the phrases "meat falling off the bone," and "fork-tender?" Apply them to these ribs. The slightest touch and the meat is free. I tried picking them up and eating a few, but they are better suited to knife and fork.
The ribs are covered in barbecue sauce that I thought, at first, could have had a little more kick and character, maybe some tartness. The are sweet, but not cloying.
By the end, I had more appreciation for the subtlety of the sauce. The ribs had rosemary and sage sprinklied on top, and the herbs really did add a unique tone to such a familiar dish.
Sahara Café is not cheap -- all those little dishes can add up. My weekend lunch, with a couple of bottles of mineral water, added up to 558 CZK. The evening snacks were around 500 CZK. But I feel I got value for money.
Now, after all this, it would not be unexpected if you have high expectations about Sahara Café. However, I'd suggest you lower them a bit. There's a much bigger chance you'll enjoy this place.
Worked for me.
Sahara Café
Námestí Míru 6
Prague 2 Vinohrady
Tel. (+420) 222 514 987